Amy Werret

Hurricane City Council Candidate


Your voice on the city council

Key Issues

Affordable Housing

We need to look at all options to create affordable places, especially for multiple bedroom options.  We need to make sure these places have adequate space for parking and open spaces to congregate.  We need to do what we can to work with developers so housing is affordable, but also a worthwhile investment to them.  We need to make sure that existing homeowners can also continue to enjoy their properties. I am a believer in personal property rights. 


The city needs to communicate better with its citizens, including through email, text messaging, and social media. More transparency is needed.  I often find out about city events and meetings after they have occured.   I would like to help citizens understand how they can be informed.  I am also an advocate of frequent town halls so citizens can voice their opinions and approach their elected leaders, outside of city council meetings. 

Employment in Hurricane

Hurricane continues to grow which should increase necessary infrastructure and job opportunities.  The City Council needs to encourage a variety of businesses by making it welcoming and efficient to establish businesses which will provide new amenities to citizens and create consistent, good paying jobs for both teenagers and adults.  I would like to see citizens have more input as to the types of business and amenities they want to see in Hurricane. 

Managing Growth

We need to put policies in place that will encourage responsible water use, housing, and open spaces.   We need to start looking ahead and make city policies now that account for challenges that growth brings.

Meet Amy

Amy Werrett has lived in Hurricane for the last 17 years.   She is married to Anthony, a local attorney and has four children (two of whom attend the high school and middle school).   She graduated from the University of Utah with a bachelors and masters degree in speech/language pathology.  Amy has worked as a speech/language pathologist for 26 years.  She has worked for home health, the hospital setting, private clinic, as well as her last 15 years in the Washington County School District.   She has helped hundreds of students learn to communicate effectively, and wants to be your voice for Hurricane.  She has also served as a vice chair for her local GOP precinct, and a county/state delegate.   She loves to read, play the flute, piano, and sing, and spend quality time with her family and friends. 

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